Connector Hub

1-click deployment on AWS

Deployment Instructions
  • 1. Click on the Launch Stack button. This will open a new browser tab and takes you to the Amazon AWS console.
  • 2. Using your IAM credentials, sign into your AWS console and click on the Next button.
  • 3.a Enter your Uplevel Client ID. Your Uplevel rep. will provide you with a client identity.
    3.b Enter your Uplevel Vault Passcode. Your Uplevel rep. will provide you with a vault passcode.
  • 4. Select your existing KeyPair from the drop down. (You may need to change region (top right corner), if you are not seeing your KeyPair)

    Make sure the corresponding KeyPair pem file can be located on your Mac/PC. You will need this file in the below step, when opening a secure SSH tunnel from your Mac/PC to the server hosting the Connector Hub.

    Don't have a KeyPair? No worries. - Create and Download a KeyPair.
    Run this command on the newly downloaded pem file chmod 400 my-key-pair.pem
  • 5. Continue clicking on Next button. Acknowledge the AWS terms then click on the Create stack button.
  • 6. Relax and wait while the resources are created. But after completion -- about 20 minutes or so, click on the Outputs tab.
  • 7. Copy the value of the SSHTunnel field. This is the SSH command that will open the secure tunnel using the pem file.
  • 8. Open the terminal on your Mac/PC. Change directory, CD into directory of your KeyPair pem file. Paste and run the copied SSH command.
  • 9. Open your browser and enter http://localhost:8080

    If the connector hub is not resolving, in your terminal window, enter the below command to see the output log.
    tail -f /var/log/cloud-init-output.log